In a small village, there lived a man named Heluwa. He was the leader of the village, responsible for collecting taxes from all the villagers. In return, Heluwa was supposed to take care of his people by providing food and other facilities. However, Heluwa wasn't always good at his job. He often delayed his duties and didn't help his people when they needed him. But there was one thing Heluwa loved doing more than anything else—buying goats and sheep!
Every year, as the biggest festival, Dashain, approached, Heluwa would get very excited. He would rush to the market to buy as many goats and sheep as he could, telling everyone, "I'm doing this because I love my people! I want to make sure everyone has delicious goat meat during Dashain."
The villagers trusted him and handed over their money, expecting Heluwa to deliver the goats to their homes. But each year, something strange happened. As Dashain would get very close, Heluwa would visit the villagers with a sad face and say, "Oh no! Some of the goats died of a mysterious illness. I'm sorry, but I had to bury them."
At first, the villagers believed him. But after a few years, they started to get suspicious. "How can so many goats die every year? And why does Heluwa always seem so before and after Dashain?" they whispered to one another.
One year, a group of villagers decided to follow Heluwa. They saw him and his friends feasting on goat meat in his big house. "Aha! That's where the goats are going!" the villagers realized.
The next day, the villagers confronted Heluwa. "You told us the goats died, but we saw you eating them!" they said angrily. Heluwa tried to deny it, but he knew he was caught.
From that day on, the villagers made sure to buy their own goats for Dashain, and Heluwa's goat business ended. He had no choice but to start doing his real job—helping the village as he was supposed to.
And so, the village became a better place, where people took care of each other, and Heluwa learned that honesty and duty were more important than sneaky feasts. But every Dashain, the villagers would still laugh and remember the time Heluwa tried to hide the mystery of the disappearing goats.
[NewNormal Story Series for kids by EducateOurKids 2024]
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